Here are some miscellaneous nail polishes I own:
As you can see, I own some really "popular" nail polishes like Lincoln Park After Dark, Mint Candy Apple, and Metro Chic. I actually just received Mint Candy Apple from a swap today and havent gotten the chance to test it out yet. It looks like a gorgeous color though. Lincoln Park After Dark is actually one of my favourite winter nail polishes. It's a very dark purple color that looks a lot more sophisticated than just painting your nails black. As about Metro Chic? I havent quite decided yet. It is an unique color but I personally dont see anything "special" about it. Maybe the love will come with time.
Have you seen enough nail polishes yet? That's not ALL the polishes I own though. Remember I mentioned I took a nail design class? Well, here is my "kit" (not including the fake nails and tools to trim them):
Hope everyone reading this would find it at least interesting. More beauty related posts to come! (makeup collection, reviews.)
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